LOOKx | 關鍵救援亮眼霜 Retinoi 2nd G Eye Rescue
榮獲全球美容大賞 Beauty Global Award 2018 的眼霜冠軍!!!
讓雙眼維持緊緻豐盈的秘密武器。含專利仙人掌葉植物幹細胞精粹和視黃醇, 雙管齊下改善乾燥細紋和肌底老化的鬆弛皺紋, 緊緻眼部。配合野大豆萃取物及小分子玻尿酸,強化保濕、柔潤眼周肌膚及淡化黑眼圈。
❖推薦用法 清潔、使用精華油後取一粒珍珠大小於眼周輕拍至吸收。
❖保存期限 常溫3年
Retinol2ndG eye rescue 10ml
we took the well-known anti-ageing solution and made it even better! This little lifesaver protects the skin around your eyes. Wrinkles are reduced, dark circles and puffiness are targeted, and your eye contour will end up softer, more smooth and resilient.Note: retinol makes the skin more sensitive for UV-light. Apply LOOkX Sun SPF30 or Smart 4-in-1 protection primer with SPF after applying LOOkX Retinol2ndG serum to avoid skin ageing caused by the sun.
❖Smart beauty:
- Instant result: tighter eye contour, making you look fresh & well rested.
- Hybrid: lifting, firming, brightening.
- Smart packaging: airless pump, sealing in freshness.❖Clean beauty:suitable for all skin types (especially combination and oily), natural ingredients, free of parabens & mineral oils, vegan, free of animal cruelty, sustainable production process.
❖LOOkX Skin science:plant stem cell technology & time release technology.
❖Key ingredients for a powerful result:
-Encapsulated retinolis a new generation retinol, stronger yet less aggressive, with deeper penetration, and is better absorbed.
-Cactus fig stem cellsslow down natural degeneration and hydrate.
-Glucosyl Hesperidinis an anti-oxidant that works anti-inflammatory, stimulates blood circulation and brightens up dark circles.
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